Do mean ever get mad because they don't have multiple orgasms? I'm just curious.
Being a romance writer can really tax your brain, but love is always worthwhile.
I can't believe it. Jana, my editor at Freya's Bower just told me that I am done. Done? It's amazing! I want to jump for joy. I feel like cavorting around the house in my slinkiest lingerie and tormenting my honey. I'm sure he won't protest too much. That's after I eat some Hagen Daaz Rocky Road ice cream. LOL Hey, I might as well celebrate as my WIP is stalling a little bit. (sigh)
This morning, I made some bacon. My honey (he's not my husband although we've lived together for about 10 years now) and I have an agreement. If I cook, he cleans and vice versa. Except it doesn't always seem to work that way. It seems like if I cook something that uses our large pan, he "puts it in the sink to soak". Well, you all know what that means, right? It means that I will be the one to clean it because he will let it soak for however long it takes for me to clean it.